On the Natural Lift Curves for the Involute Spherical Indicatrices in Minkowski 3-space

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Authors :

M. Bilici a,∗ and T.A. Ahmad b

Author Address :

a Ondokuz Mayıs University, Education Faculty, Department of Mathematics, 55200, Samsun, Turkey.
b King Abdul Aziz University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics, 80203, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

*Corresponding author.

Abstract :

This study presents some new conditions of being integral curve for the geodesic spray of the natural lift curves of the spherical indicatrices of the involutes of a given spacelike curve with a timelike binormal in Minkowski 3-space. Furthermore, depending on these conditions some interesting results about the spacelike evolute curve were obtained. Additionally we illustrate an example of our main results.

Keywords :

Minkowski space, involute-evolute curve couple, geodesic spray, natural lift curve, spherical indicatrix.


Article Info :

Received : August 25, 2016; Accepted : November 20, 2016.