Cubic $Gamma$-$n$ normed linear spaces

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Authors :

P. R. Kavyasree1* and B. Surender Reddy2

Author Address :

1,2Department of Mathematics, Osmania University, Hyderabad-500007, India.

*Corresponding author.

Abstract :

This paper is aimed to propose the notion of cubic $Gamma$-$n$-normed linear spaces based on the theory of cubic $n$-normed linear space, fuzzy $n$-normed linear space, interval valued fuzzy $n$-normed linear space and cubic sets. The concept of convergence and Cauchy sequences in cubic $Gamma$-$n$-normed linear space are introduced and we provide some results on it. Also, this paper introduces the notion of completeness in cubic $Gamma$-$n$-normed linear space.

Keywords :

Cubic $Gamma$-$n$-normed linear space, cubic $n$-normed linear space, interval valued fuzzy $n$-normed linear space, cubic sets.



Article Info :

Received : March 08, 2018; Accepted : September 12, 2018.