An improved proxy blind signature scheme based on ECDLP

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Authors :

Manoj Kumar Chande

Author Address :

Shri Shankaracharya Institute Of Professional Management & Technology, Raipur, 492015, Chhattisgarh, India.

Abstract :

In a proxy blind signature scheme, there is an integration of the properties as well as advantages of both signature schemes namely proxy signature and blind signature. The concept of this signature scheme with a salient feature that, it allows a designated person say proxy signer to sign on behalf of original signer, in such a way that he/she neither has any idea about the content of the message, nor he/she can make a linkage between the signature and the identity of the requester. Therefore, it is very suitable and easily adoptable for electronic commerce, e-cash applications. Recently, Pradhan and Mohapatra et al.’s claims that their proposed signature scheme satisfies all the properties mandatory for a proxy blind signature scheme. Unfortunately, their scheme fails to fulfil the unlinkability property. To overcome with this weakness, an improved proxy blind signature scheme is presented with the same intractable problem ECDLP. The analysis shows that the new scheme resolves the problem in the former scheme and meets all the aspects of security features needed by proxy blind signature scheme. The analytic results prove that the new scheme is more secure and practicable.

Keywords :

Digital Signature, Discrete Logarithm Problem, Forward Security, Proxy Blind Signature.


Article Info :

Received : January 19, 2013; Accepted : February 16, 2014.