The evolution of travel recommender systems: A comprehensive review

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Authors :

V. K. Muneer 1 * and K. P. Mohamed Basheer 2

Author Address :

1,2 Department of Computer Science, Sullamussalam Science College, Kerala-673639, India.

*Corresponding author.

Abstract :

Travel has always been innate desire of human beings. People wanted to travel irrespective of any hurdles like geographical barrier, age, gender, or colour with different motivations. Nowadays travel and adventure became the most trending entertainment as well. Planning a trip is a time-consuming and herculean task for inexperienced travelers. Here comes the possibility of expert opinion for scheduling a perfect travel plan. With the development of information technology and social media, there are numerous possibilities and opportunities in fetching suitable information which can turn out to set up an appropriate travel plan and hence enhance the quality of travel. The significance of a Recommender System (RS) comes in the picture which can address travel-related queries. Personalized Travel RS will add more customization and user-specific features than Automatic Travel RS. In this paper, we conducted a detailed review and chronological evolutions of various methods and techniques used in the travel and tourism sector and compared their efficiency in Recommendations.

Keywords :

Artificial Intelligence, Recommender Systems, Autoencoders, PTRS, Travel and Tourism.



Article Info :

Received : July 24, 2020; Accepted : October 16, 2020.