Discontinuous dynamical system represents the Logistic retarded functional equation with two different delays

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Authors :

A. M. A. El-Sayeda,* and M. E. Nasrb

Author Address :

aDepartment of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Alexandria University,Alexandria, Egypt
bDepartment of Mathematics,Faculty of Science, Benha University, Benha 13518, Egypt.

*Corresponding author.

Abstract :

In this work we are concerned with the discontinuous dynamical system representing the problem of the logistic retarded functional equation with two di.erent delays,
x(t)&=\rho x(t-r_1)[1-x(t-r_2)],\quad t\in(0,T],
x(t)=x_0,\quad t\le 0.
The existence of a unique solution $x\in L^1[0, T ]$ which is continuously dependence on the initial data, will be proved. The local stability at the equilibrium points will be studied. The bifurcation analysis and chaos will be discussed.

Keywords :

Logistic functional equation, existence, uniqueness, equilibrium points, local stability, Chaos and Bifurcation.


Article Info :

Received : October 16, 2012; Accepted : January 12, 2013.