On $\widetilde{g}_{\alpha}$ sets in bitopological spaces
Authors :
M. Lellis Thivagara and Nirmala Rebecca Paulb,*
Author Address :
aSchool of Mathematics, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai–625021, Tamilnadu, India.
bDepartment of Mathematics, Lady Doak College, Madurai–625002, Tamilnadu, India.
*Corresponding author.
Abstract :
The paper introduces $\widetilde{g}_{\alpha}$-closed sets in bitopological spaces and establishes the relationship between other existing sets. As an application $(i,j)\widetilde{g}_{\alpha}$-closure is introduced to define a new topology. We also derive a new decomposition of continuity.
Keywords :
$\tau_{j}$-open set, $\widetilde{g}_{\alpha}$-closed set, $\widetilde{g}_{\alpha}$-open set, $^{\#}gs$-open set.
Article Info :
Received : November 11, 2012; Accepted : July 06, 2013.