A survey on magnetic curves in 2-dimensional lightlike cone
Authors :
Fatma ALMAZ 1 * and Mihriban ALYAMAC K ULAHCI 2
Author Address :
1,2 Department of Mathematics, Firat University, 23119 ELAZI G/TURK IYE.
Abstract :
The impact of magnetic fields on the moving particle trajectories by variational approach to the magnetic flow associated with the Killing magnetic field on lightlike cone $mathbf{Q}^{2}subset E_{1}^{3}$ is examined. Different magnetic curves are found in the 2-dimensional lightlike cone using the Killing magnetic field of these curves. Some characterizations and definitions and examples of these curves with their shapes are given.
Keywords :
Magnetic curve, lightlike cone, killing vector field.
Article Info :
Received : December 24, 2018; Accepted : March 09, 2019.