Generalized interval valued fuzzy ideals of $ KU $-algebra
Authors :
S. R. Barbhuiya 1 * and A. K. Dutta 2
Author Address :
1 Department of Mathematics, Srikishan Sarda College, Hailakandi-788151, Assam, India.
2 Department of Mathematics, D.H.S.K. College, Dibrugarh, Assam- 786001, India.
*Corresponding author.
Abstract :
In this paper, we introduced the concept of ``belongs to’’ relation $ (in_{hat{a}})$ between interval valued fuzzy point to an interval valued fuzzy set with respect to an interval $ hat{a}$ and ``quasi-coincident with ’’ relation $ (q_{(hat{a},hat{b})})$ between interval valued fuzzy point to an interval valued fuzzy set with respect to intervals $ hat{a}, hat{b} $ and combining both the concepts we define $ (hat{a},hat{b}; in_{hat{a}},in_{hat{a}} vee q_{(hat{a},hat{b})})$-interval valued fuzzy KU-ideals in KU-algebras and investigated some of their related properties. Some characterizations of these generalized interval valued fuzzy KU-ideal are derived.
Keywords :
$KU$-algebra, Fuzzy ideal , $(in,in vee q)$-fuzzy ideal, $ (a,b; in_a,in_a vee q_{(a,b)})$-fuzzy ideal, $ (hat{a},hat{b}; in_{hat{a}},in_{hat{a}} vee q_{(hat{a},hat{b
Article Info :
Received : March 24, 2019; Accepted : June 09, 2019.