On total dominator coloring of middle graph, total graph and shadow graph



A total dominator coloring of a graph $G$ is a proper coloring of $G$ in which every vertex of the graph is adjacent to every vertex of some color class. The minimum number of colors required for a total dominator coloring of $G$ is called the total dominator chromatic number of $G$ and is denoted by $\chi_{t d}(G)$. In this paper we discuss some results on strict strong chromatic number of middle graph, total graph, and shadow graph.


Proper coloring, total dominator coloring, total dominator chromatic number, middle graph, total graph, shadow graph

Mathematics Subject Classification:

  • S. Baskaran PG Department of Mathematics, The New College, Chennai-600014, Tamil Nadu, India.
  • A.M. Shahul Hameed PG Department of Mathematics, The New College, Chennai-600014, Tamil Nadu, India.
  • Pages: 731-734
  • Date Published: 01-01-2021
  • Vol. 9 No. 01 (2021): Malaya Journal of Matematik (MJM)

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How to Cite

S. Baskaran, and A.M. Shahul Hameed. “On Total Dominator Coloring of Middle Graph, Total Graph and Shadow Graph”. Malaya Journal of Matematik, vol. 9, no. 01, Jan. 2021, pp. 731-4, https://www.malayajournal.org/index.php/mjm/article/view/1122.