Median vertex vague labeling of vague graphs



Vague graph is a pair $G=(A, B)$ where $A=\left(t_A, f_A\right)$ is a vague set on $V$ and $B=\left(t_B, f_B\right)$ is a vague set on $E \subseteq V \times V$ such that $t_B(x y) \leq \min \left(t_A(x), t_A(y)\right)$ and $f_B(x y) \geq \max \left(f_A(x), f_A(y)\right)$ for each edge $x y \subseteq E . A$ is called as the vague vertex set of $G$ and $B$ as the vague edge set of $G$. The main purpose of this paper is to introduce Median Vertex Vague Labeling of vague graphs. In addition, an application of Median Vertex Vague Labeling in traffic flow network is discussed in this paper.


Vague graph, Path Vague Graph, Median Vertex Vague Labeling, t-Vertex Vague Labeling

Mathematics Subject Classification:

  • Pages: 805-809
  • Date Published: 01-01-2021
  • Vol. 9 No. 01 (2021): Malaya Journal of Matematik (MJM)

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How to Cite

R. Janani, and T. Ramachandran. “Median Vertex Vague Labeling of Vague Graphs”. Malaya Journal of Matematik, vol. 9, no. 01, Jan. 2021, pp. 805-9,