Some translation theorems in bipolar valued multi fuzzy subnearring of a nearring



In this paper, some translations of bipolar valued multi fuzzy subnearring of a nearing are introduced and using
these translations, some theorems are stated and proved.


Bipolar valued fuzzy subset,, bipolar valued multi fuzzy subset, bipolar valued multi fuzzy subnearring, translations, intersection

Mathematics Subject Classification:

  • S. Muthukumaran Department of Mathematics, H.H.The Rajah’s College, Pudukkottai-622001, Tamil Nadu, India.
  • B. Anandh Affiliated to Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli-620024, Tamil Nadu, India.
  • Pages: 817-822
  • Date Published: 01-01-2021
  • Vol. 9 No. 01 (2021): Malaya Journal of Matematik (MJM)

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How to Cite

S. Muthukumaran, and B. Anandh. “Some Translation Theorems in Bipolar Valued Multi Fuzzy Subnearring of a Nearring”. Malaya Journal of Matematik, vol. 9, no. 01, Jan. 2021, pp. 817-22,