Unsteady thermal boundary layer flows of vertical plate through numerical techniques
Prediction of performance losses by particle impingements on component surface for physico-chemical aspects under two phase flows are very expensive and complicated. Though mathematical models via software engineering provides general design data, still a major break through is yet to be made. When solid particles are suspended in flowing gasses equilibrium conditions of fluid will get disturbed. This paper makes an attempt to study the phenomena for fine particles under laminar flows for thermal boundary layer analysis aspects through computer software. Solution techniques are adopted for FDM to obtain convergent solutions.
Finite Difference Method(FDM), Temperature Distribution, Heat Transfer, Boundary LayerMathematics Subject Classification:
Mathematics- Pages: 790-794
- Date Published: 01-10-2019
- Vol. 7 No. 04 (2019): Malaya Journal of Matematik (MJM)
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