On certain subclass of normalized analytic function associated with Rusal differential operator
In this article the author discusses the two subclasses namely $\check{K}_p\left(A_\lambda^n ; \gamma, \mu, m, \beta\right)$ and $K_p\left(A_\lambda^m ; \gamma, \mu, m, \beta\right)$ of normalized analytic functions. With convex combination of Ruschwey and Al-Oboudi differential operator we derived Rusal differential operator. Two new subclasses $\check{K}_p\left(A_\lambda^n ; \gamma, \mu, m, \beta\right)$ and $K_p\left(A_\lambda^n ; \gamma, \mu, m, \beta\right)$ are studied with help of Rusal differential operator.Growththeorem, Closure theorem, Integral mean inequality, extreme point theorem, coefficient inequality, convolution and distortion theorem for given class are examined.
Analytic function, Rusal differential operatorMathematics Subject Classification:
Mathematics- Pages: 235-242
- Date Published: 01-01-2020
- Vol. 8 No. 01 (2020): Malaya Journal of Matematik (MJM)
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