Intuitionistic fuzzy unitary operator on intuitionistic fuzzy Hilbert space
In this paper, we define Intuitionistic fuzzy unitary operator (IFU-operator) on an intuitionistic fuzzy Hilbert space (IFH-space). An operator \(\mathfrak{U} \in I F B(\mathbb{H})\) is intuitionistic fuzzy unitary operator if \(\mathfrak{U} \mathfrak{U}^*=I=\mathfrak{U}^* \mathfrak{U}\) i.e. it is an isomorphism of \(\mathbb{H}\) onto itself. By virtue of this definition, a few theorems on IFU-operator are introduced and some of its properties are discussed.
Intuitionistic fuzzy adjoint operator (IFA-operator), intuitionistic fuzzy normal operator (IFN-operator), intuitionistic fuzzy self-adjoint operator (IFSA-operator), intuitionistic fuzzy Hilbert space (IFH-space), intuitionistic fuzzy unitary operator (IFU-operator)Mathematics Subject Classification:
Mathematics- Pages: 782-786
- Date Published: 01-07-2020
- Vol. 8 No. 03 (2020): Malaya Journal of Matematik (MJM)
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