The interplay between human emotions and beliefs: A study using special mixed fuzzy relational maps (SMFRMs)
Fuzzy relational maps are neuro-fuzzy systems that are useful in approximate reasoning. A problem that is
studied by several experts simultaneously using an FRM model choosing different sets of concepts would require an appropriate model to capture the consensus of the experts opinion pertaining to the problem under study. Special Mixed Fuzzy relational map (SMFRM) is identified as an appropriate fuzzy tool to be used in situations where different experts study a problem with different set of concepts. SMFRM is an extension of FRM which is the union of several fuzzy relational maps. In this paper, the model Special Mixed Fuzzy relational map (SMFRM) is used to study the causal relationship between human emotions and beliefs.
Emotions, beliefs, Fuzzy, FRM, SMFRM.Mathematics Subject Classification:
Mathematics- Pages: 1551-1555
- Date Published: 01-10-2020
- Vol. 8 No. 04 (2020): Malaya Journal of Matematik (MJM)
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