Double domination on bipolar fuzzy graphs with strong edge and its properties




In this article, the definition of double dominance is introduced in the bipolar fuzzy graph. It provides descriptions of the size, order, degree etc of a bipolar fuzzy graph. With sufficient examples, the double dominance number of a bipolar fuzzy graph has been clarified. It addresses the properties of double dominance on the bipolar fuzzy graph. Some simple theorems have also been proposed relating to the claimed supremacy.


Bipolar fuzzy graph, dominating set, double dominating set, doubledomination number on bipolar fuzzy graph

Mathematics Subject Classification:

  • R. Muthuraj PG and Research Department of Mathematics, H.H. The Rajah’s College, Pudukkottai–622 001, Tamil Nadu, India.
  • A. Kanimozhi Research Scholar, PG and Research Department of Mathematics, H.H. The Rajah’s College, Pudukkottai–622 001, Tamil Nadu, India.
  • Pages: 1583-1586
  • Date Published: 01-10-2020
  • Vol. 8 No. 04 (2020): Malaya Journal of Matematik (MJM)

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How to Cite

R. Muthuraj, and A. Kanimozhi. “Double Domination on Bipolar Fuzzy Graphs With Strong Edge and Its Properties”. Malaya Journal of Matematik, vol. 8, no. 04, Oct. 2020, pp. 1583-6, doi:10.26637/MJM0804/0043.