Accent based speech recognition: A critical overview
An incredible amount of research has been conducted in speech recognition and accent-based speech recognition during recent decades. Automatic Speech Recognition in various dialects in any natural language is examined as one among the most complicated domains in Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR). The increasing significance of speech recognition in any dialect is attributable to the ever-developing interest for applications that handle humanmachine interaction through geographically influenced natural languages. The objective of this paper is to provide an overview of recent developments in dialect or accent-based speech processing. This paper concentrates on the study of accent-based speech recognition techniques in various languages and the technologies used for the same.
Spoken language identification, Dialect identification, Accent recognition, Speech recognition, acoustic modeling, HMM, DNN, Acoustic featuresMathematics Subject Classification:
Mathematics- Pages: 1743-1750
- Date Published: 01-10-2020
- Vol. 8 No. 04 (2020): Malaya Journal of Matematik (MJM)
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