Neutrosophic \(\mathrm{g}^{\#} \mathrm{~S}\) closed sets in neutrosophic topological spaces
Aim of this present paper is, we introduced and studied new type of generalized closed sets is called Neutrosophic \(\mathrm{g}^{\#} \mathrm{~S}\) closed sets and Neutrosophic \(\mathrm{g}^{\#} \mathrm{~S}\) open sets and followed that its properties and application are also discussed.
Neutrosophic topological spaces, Neutrosophic \(\mathrm{g}^{\#} \mathrm{~S}\) closed sets, Neutrosophic \(\mathrm{g}^{\#} \mathrm{~S}\) open sets, Neutrosophic \( \mathrm{g}^{\#} \mathrm{~S}\) interiorMathematics Subject Classification:
Mathematics- Pages: 1786-1791
- Date Published: 01-01-2020
- Vol. 8 No. 04 (2020): Malaya Journal of Matematik (MJM)
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