Fuzzy TOPSIS method for group decision making problem using similarity measure





In this paper, another methodology for positioning of choices with fuzzy information for collective choice creation utilizing TOPSIS technique is proposed. Another likeness measure is acquainted all together with decide the best one among the other options. The proposed strategy is shown by a numerical model.In this paper, another methodology for positioning of choices with fuzzy information for collective choice creationutilizing TOPSIS technique is proposed. Another likeness measure is acquainted all together with decide thebest one among the other options. The proposed strategy is shown by a numerical model.


Fuzzy Number, Triangular Fuzzy Number, Similarity Measure, TOPSIS Method, Group Decision Making

Mathematics Subject Classification:

  • Pages: 2103-2107
  • Date Published: 01-10-2020
  • Vol. 8 No. 04 (2020): Malaya Journal of Matematik (MJM)

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How to Cite

Thangaraj Beaula, and S. Saravanan. “Fuzzy TOPSIS Method for Group Decision Making Problem Using Similarity Measure”. Malaya Journal of Matematik, vol. 8, no. 04, Oct. 2020, pp. 2103-7, doi:10.26637/MJM0804/0132.