Modeling and optimal control of the dynamics of narcoterrorism in the Sahel
This work explores some aspects of modeling and controlling narcoterrorism in the Sahel. We examine the multidimensional factors underlying this dynamic, identifying interactions and recruitment within the narcoterrorist class. We then develop a preventive model and decision-support tools to optimize resource allocation and formulate more effective counter-narcotics and brigandage policies. This research will certainly contribute to the fight against narcoterrorism in the Sahel by proposing solutions based on rigorous scientific approaches and assessing the benefits and limitations of optimal modeling and control.
narcoterrorism, local and global asymptotic stability, global threshold, optimal control, and numerical simulation.Mathematics Subject Classification:
49K15, 93B05, 93C15, 93D23- Pages: 163-185
- Date Published: 01-04-2024
- Vol. 12 No. 02 (2024): Malaya Journal of Matematik (MJM)
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