Existence and controllability results for damped second order impulsive neutral functional differential systems with state-dependent delay in Banach spaces
In this paper, we investigate the existence and controllability of mild solutions for a damped second order impulsive neutral functional differential equation with state-dependent delay in Banach spaces. The results are obtained by using Sadovskii’s fixed point theorem combined with the theories of a strongly continuous cosine family of bounded linear operators. Finally, an example is provided to illustrate the main results.
Damped second order differential equations, impulsive neutral differential equations, controllability, state-dependent delay, cosine function, mild solution, fixed point.Mathematics Subject Classification:
34A37, 93B05- Pages: 70-85
- Date Published: 01-01-2013
- Vol. 1 No. 01 (2013): Malaya Journal of Matematik (MJM)
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