Total edge product cordial labeling of graphs




The total product cordial labeling is a variant of cordial labeling. We introduce an edge analogue product cordial labeling as a variant of total product cordial labeling and name it as total edge product cordial labeling. Unlike to total product cordial labeling the roles of vertices and edges are interchanged in total edge product cordial labeling. We investigate several results on this newly defined concept.


Cordial labeling, product cordial labeling, edge product cordial labeling, total edge product cordial labeling

Mathematics Subject Classification:

  • Pages: 55-63
  • Date Published: 01-07-2013
  • Vol. 1 No. 03 (2013): Malaya Journal of Matematik (MJM)

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How to Cite

Samir K. Vaidya, and Chirag M. Barasara. “Total Edge Product Cordial Labeling of Graphs”. Malaya Journal of Matematik, vol. 1, no. 03, July 2013, pp. 55-63, doi:10.26637/mjm103/009.