Error detection of irreducible cyclic codes on \(q\)-ary symmetric channel




Irreducible cyclic codes are well-known classes of block codes. These codes have wide range of applications specifically in deep space. Their weight distribution of Irreducible cyclic codes is known in only a few cases specifically they are known for binary cyclic codes. Previously, it has been shown that irreducible binary cyclic codes of even dimension and their duals are either proper or not good for error detection. In this correspondence it has been established that irreducible cyclic codes in number of cases are proper when transmitted over \(q\)-ary symmetric channel. The nonzero weights of the codes treated with in this paper vary between one and four.


binary cyclic codes, irreducible cyclic codes, weight distribution, probability of undetected error

Mathematics Subject Classification:

68P30, 94A24
  • Manish Gupta Department of Applied Sciences, GRDP College, Jida, Bathinda, India.
  • J.S. Bhullar Department of Applied Sciences, MIMIT, Malout, India.
  • O.P. Vinocha Principal, Ferozpur College of Engineering, Ferozshah, Ferozepur, India.
  • Pages: 115-122
  • Date Published: 01-10-2013
  • Vol. 1 No. 04 (2013): Malaya Journal of Matematik (MJM)

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How to Cite

Manish Gupta, J.S. Bhullar, and O.P. Vinocha. “Error Detection of Irreducible Cyclic Codes on \(q\)-Ary Symmetric Channel”. Malaya Journal of Matematik, vol. 1, no. 04, Oct. 2013, pp. 115-22, doi:10.26637/mjm104/013.