On local attractivity of nonlinear functional integral equations via measures of noncompactness
In this paper, we prove the local attractivity of solutions for a certain nonlinear Volterra type functional integral equations. We rely on a measure theoretic fixed point theorem of Dhage (2008) for nonlinear \(D\)-set-contraction in Banach spaces. Finally, we furnish an example to validate all the hypotheses of our main result and to ensure the existence and ultimate attractivity of solutions for a numerical nonlinear functional integral equation.
Measure of noncompactness, fixed point theorem, functional integral equation, attractivity of solutionsMathematics Subject Classification:
45G10, 45G99- Pages: 191-201
- Date Published: 01-04-2015
- Vol. 3 No. 02 (2015): Malaya Journal of Matematik (MJM)
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