On optional deterministic server vacations in a batch arrival queueing system with a single server providing first essential service followed by one of the two types of additional optional service





We analyze a batch arrival queue with a single server providing first essential service (FES) followed by one of the two types of additional optional service (AOS). After completion of the FES, a customer has the option to leave the system or to choose one of the two types of AOS and as soon as a customer leaves (either after the FES or after completing one of the chosen AOS, the server may take a vacation or may continue staying in the system. The vacation times are assumed to be deterministic and the server vacations are based on Bernoulli schedules under a single vacation policy. We obtain explicit queue size distribution at a random epoch under the steady state. In addition, some important performance measures such as the steady state expected queue size and the expected waiting time of a customer at a random epoch are obtained. Further, some interesting particular cases are also discussed.


Batch arrivals, compound Poisson process, first essential service (FES), additional optional service (AOS), deterministic server vacation, queue size distribution

Mathematics Subject Classification:

60K25, 60J15, 90B10
  • Pages: 25-36
  • Date Published: 01-01-2016
  • Vol. 4 No. 01 (2016): Malaya Journal of Matematik (MJM)

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How to Cite

Kailash C. Madan. “On Optional Deterministic Server Vacations in a Batch Arrival Queueing System With a Single Server Providing First Essential Service Followed by One of the Two Types of Additional Optional Service”. Malaya Journal of Matematik, vol. 4, no. 01, Jan. 2016, pp. 25-36, doi:10.26637/mjm401/004.