3 Dimensional additive quadratic functional equation
In this paper, the authors established the general solution and generalized Ulam - Hyers stability of an 3 dimensional additive quadratic functional equation
& h(x+2 y+3 z)+h(x+2 y-3 z)+h(x-2 y+3 z)+h(-x+2 y+3 z) \\
&=h(x+y+z)+h(x+y-z)+h(x-y+z)+h(-x+y+z) \\
&+2 h(y)+4 h(z)+5[h(y)+h(-y)]+14[h(z)+h(-z)]
via Banach space and non-Archimedean fuzzy Banach Space using direct and fixed point methods.
Additive functional equation, quadratic functional equation, mixed additive-quadratic functional equations, generalized Ulam - Hyers stability, Banach space, non-Archimedean fuzzy Banach space, fixed pointMathematics Subject Classification:
39B52, 32B72, 32B82- Pages: 72-103
- Date Published: 01-01-2017
- Vol. 5 No. 01 (2017): Malaya Journal of Matematik (MJM)
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