Ulam-Hyers stability of quadratic reciprocal functional equation in intuitionistic random normed spaces: Various methods
In this paper, the authors investigated the intuitionistic random stability of a quadratic reciprocal functional equation
f(x+2 y)+f(2 x+y)=\frac{f(x) f(y)[5 f(x)+5 f(y)+8 \sqrt{f(x) f(y)}]}{[2 f(x)+2 f(y)+5 \sqrt{f(x)+f(y)}]^2}
using direct and fixed point methods.
Quadratic reciprocal functional equation, generalized Ulam-Hyers stability, intuitionistic random normed space, fixed pointMathematics Subject Classification:
39B52, 34K36, 46S50, 47S50- Pages: 293-304
- Date Published: 01-04-2017
- Vol. 5 No. 02 (2017): Malaya Journal of Matematik (MJM)
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