Numerical investigation of the nonlinear integro-differential equations using He's homotopy perturbation method




In this paper, He's Homotopy Perturbation Method (HHPM), by construction, produces approximate solutions of nonlinear integro-differential equations [2]. The purpose of this paper is to extend the He's Homotopy Perturbation method to the nonlinear integro-differential equations. Efficient error estimation for the He's Homotopy Perturbation method is also introduced. Details of this method are presented and compared with Single-Term Haar Wavelet Series (STHWS) method [2] numerical results along with estimated errors are given to clarify the method and its error estimator.


Integro-Differential Equations, Nonlinear integro-differential equations, Single-term Haar wavelet series, He’s Homotopy Perturbation Method

Mathematics Subject Classification:

  • S. Sekar Department of Mathematics, Government Arts College (Autonomous), Salem – 636 007, Tamil Nadu, India.
  • A. S. Thirumurugan Department of Mathematics, Mahendra Arts and Science College, Kalipatti, Namakkal – 637 501, Tamil Nadu, India.
  • Pages: 389-394
  • Date Published: 01-04-2017
  • Vol. 5 No. 02 (2017): Malaya Journal of Matematik (MJM)

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How to Cite

S. Sekar, and A. S. Thirumurugan. “Numerical Investigation of the Nonlinear Integro-Differential Equations Using He’s Homotopy Perturbation Method”. Malaya Journal of Matematik, vol. 5, no. 02, Apr. 2017, pp. 389-94, doi:10.26637/mjm502/016.