On some decompositions of continuity via δ − local function in ideal topological spaces





We introduce the notions of $\delta^*-$ pre - continuity, $\delta^*-B_t-$ continuity, and $\delta^*-\beta-$ continuity, $\delta^*-B_\beta-$ continuity and to obtain some decompositions of continuity via $\delta$-local function in ideal topological spaces.


δ − pre − open set, δ − β − open set, β − open set, β − I − open set

Mathematics Subject Classification:

  • E. Hatir N. E. University, A. K. Education Faculty, Meram-Konya Turkey.
  • Pages: 508-514
  • Date Published: 01-07-2017
  • Vol. 5 No. 03 (2017): Malaya Journal of Matematik (MJM)

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How to Cite

E. Hatir. “On Some Decompositions of Continuity via δ − Local Function in Ideal Topological Spaces”. Malaya Journal of Matematik, vol. 5, no. 03, July 2017, pp. 508-14, doi:10.26637/mjm503/004.