Intuitionistic Q-fuzzy ternary subhemiring of a hemiring




In this paper, a generalized intuitionistic Q-fuzzy ternary subhemiring of a hemiring is proposed. Further, some important notions and basic algebraic properties of intuitionistic fuzzy sets are discussed.


Q-fuzzy subhemiring, Q-fuzzy ternary subhemiring, intuitionistic fuzzy ternary subhemiring, homomorphism, anti-homomorphism

Mathematics Subject Classification:

  • N. Anitha Department of Mathematics, Periyar University PG Extension centre, Dharmapuri-636 701, Tamil Nadu, India.
  • K. Tamilvanan Department of Mathematics, Periyar University PG Extension centre, Dharmapuri-636 701, Tamil Nadu, India.
  • Pages: 587-591
  • Date Published: 01-07-2017
  • Vol. 5 No. 03 (2017): Malaya Journal of Matematik (MJM)

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How to Cite

N. Anitha, and K. Tamilvanan. “Intuitionistic Q-Fuzzy Ternary Subhemiring of a Hemiring”. Malaya Journal of Matematik, vol. 5, no. 03, July 2017, pp. 587-91, doi:10.26637/mjm503/015.