A strong convergence theorem for $H(\cdot, \cdot)-\phi-\eta$-accretive mapping using proximal point algorithms
In this paper, we study an explicit iterative algorithm with resolvent technique using a more general $H(\cdot, \cdot)-\phi-\eta$-accretive operator in uniformly convex Banach space. Using suitable conditions, we show that the corresponding iterative sequence converges strongly to a common point of two sets.It also becomes solution to the related variational inequality. The main result generalizes many such results.
H(·,·)−φ −η− Accretive operator, variational inequality, fixed point, weakly continuous duality mapping, contractive mapping, uniformly convex, resolvent, nonexpansive mappingMathematics Subject Classification:
Mathematics- Pages: 192-205
- Date Published: 01-04-2019
- Vol. 7 No. 02 (2019): Malaya Journal of Matematik (MJM)
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