γ-Generalized directable fuzzy automata
The purpose of this paper is to study the structural characterizations of $\gamma$-generalized directable fuzzy automata. We introduce $\gamma$-necks, $\gamma$-local necks, $\gamma$-directable, $\gamma$-trap-directable, $\gamma$-monogenically directable, $\gamma$-monogenically strongly directable, $\gamma$-monogenically trap directable, $\gamma$ - uniformly monogenically directable, $\gamma$-uniformly monogenically strongly directable, $\gamma$-uniformly monogenically trap-directable fuzzy automata. We prove $\gamma$-generalized directable fuzzy automaton is an extension of a $\gamma$-uniformly monogenically strongly directable fuzzy automaton by a $\gamma$-uniformly monogenically trap-directable fuzzy automaton. We obtain equivalent conditions of $\gamma$-generalized directable fuzzy automaton.
γ -monogenically directable, γ -monogenically trap-directable, γ -uniformly monogenically trap-directable, γ - generalized directableMathematics Subject Classification:
Mathematics- Pages: 866-872
- Date Published: 01-10-2018
- Vol. 6 No. 04 (2018): Malaya Journal of Matematik (MJM)
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