Mathematical analysis of queues in urban area of banks in Thanjavur District

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Authors :

Suganthi Mariyappan 1* , C. Alexander 2 and S. Anbalagan 3

Author Address :

1,3 P.G and Research Department of Mathematics, Rajah Serfoji Government College(Autonomous)[Affiliated to Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli-620024, Tamil Nadu, India.], Thanjavur-613005, Tamil Nadu, India.
2 P.G and Research Department of Mathematics, Raja Doraisingam Government Arts College [Affiliated to Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, India.], Sivagangai-630561, Tamil Nadu, India.

*Corresponding author.

Abstract :

The banking sector the managers are seeking to increase the satisfaction of the customer by providing the best service. Waiting Lines (or) Line of customer is a common  phenomenon in day-to-day life. Post offices, bus stations, stores, schools, and banks typically have queues. Any customer waits to be served by the duration of the line. Numerous banks have done awesome exertion to extend the benefit proficiency and customer fulfillment but the foremost of them are confronting a genuine issue of holding up line of clients. Need of palatable benefit office would cause the holding up line of clients to be shaped. The only technique is that service demand can be met with ease is to increase the service capacity to a higher level. In this paper, we used descriptive statistics to estimate the total waiting time and duration of queues and analyzed the results using the ANOVA method. This mathematical analysis are also used to make decisions on how to increase the better service, optimize queue length and waiting time in queues of banking sector.

Keywords :

Queues, Banks, Waiting time, Urban areas, Service length, Statistics Tables, Decision Sciences.



Article Info :

Received : October 14, 2020; Accepted : December 25, 2020.