Cassini determinant involving the $(a,b)$-hyper-Fibonacci numbers
Authors :
Lyes Ait-Amrane 1 * and Djilali Behloul 2
Author Address :
1 Ecole nationale Supérieure d’Informatique (ESI), BP 68M Oued Smar, 16270, El Harrach, Algiers, Algeria.
2 Faculté d’Informatique,USTHB, BP 32, El Alia, 16111, Bab Ezzouar, Algiers, Algeria.
1,2 LATN Laboratory, Faculty of Mathematics, USTHB, BP 32, El Alia, 16111, Bab Ezzouar, Algiers, Algeria.
*Corresponding author.
Abstract :
In the present paper, we establish some combinatorial properties of the $(a,b)$-hyper-Fibonacci numbers in order to extend the Cassini determinant.
Keywords :
Generalized Fibonacci numbers; Generalized hyper-Fibonacci numbers; Cassini determinant.
Article Info :
Received : October 19, 2020; Accepted : June 22, 2020.